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Mistakes to avoid for your business website

As web designers, we receive quite a few quote requests from businesses who already have a website created by another provider but are unhappy with the outcome.

This article discusses what and how to avoid common pitfalls when getting your new business website developed to save you on wasted time and budget.

Cheapest Websites Ever!

The colloquial saying “you get what you paid for” really stands the test of time when it comes to shopping around for a web developer.

As with most things in this world – if it is super cheap it is not likely to be of the best quality. It might look all shiny and packaged pretty with a super hot price tag, however cutting corners on budget can land you with a website that you may not be happy with in the long term.

Be warned website designs advertised with really cheap pricing can often have hidden costs such as large monthly ‘hosting’ fees or have you locked in to using their on-going paid service for a set period of time or restrict you in other ways.

With that said it is still possible to receive a great website on an affordable budget – websites do not need to give your accounting department grey hairs – the main thing to look for is a web designer who listens to your business needs and provides professional and personalised feedback.

This will provide a good indication they know what they’re talking about and that they want to work with your business and provide quality results.

If you really don’t have much of a budget, ask the web developer if they offer any payment plan options to help pay off the website over time.

Don’t be fooled by suits and cake!

To avoid being swindelled by sales or marketing representatives who talk up their business and bedazzle you with their shiny portfolio, be prepared beforehand to ask questions to test their knowledge:

If they just say “Yes, yes, yes we can do all that” ask “how?”

Find out what their development process is – will it be done in-house or is the work going to be out-sourced?

Are you going to be able to contact the web developer if you need help with features or future developments?

“I need some help with… “

One of the most common reasons we have received on why a business has become unhappy with their previous web developer before coming to Digital Spice is due to support.

“They take 3 weeks to respond to our requests”, “We have not been able to get in contact with the original developer”,”They quoted $5000 just to implement Google Analytics!”, “They got someone in India to do the coding and now we can’t get anything changed”, “They charge $110 per hour or part there of – even if it is just a quick question sent by email”.

Believe it or not, we have heard all the above in just the last few weeks of writing this post!

I’m sure you can imagine the frustration each of these businesses felt by the lack of support or high costs they were facing with their current developer.

Support is something that all website owners require at some point, however it is particularly important for larger websites with specific functionality (e.g. ecommerce, membership or directory sites) where technical issues may occur.

Before going ahead with any web development business, find out up-front on what customer service and on-going support options they provide.

For example, we at Digital Spice offer a 3 month bug-fix warranty on all of our websites from the date the site is deemed live to ensure everything works as intended and that our clients are happy with the service we provide.

We are always an email or call away should a client have any questions or concerns.

We also offer a website support package for businesses who need additional assistance and can quote on implementing any additional features if/when required.

Who owns what?

Another common issue we hear about is from businesses who have purchased a hosted website solution, however later on they want to change hosting providers, web developers or content management systems only to find out they are locked in to contractual obligations or technical restrictions.

Think about your long term goals and make sure the provider and the system being used to create your website ticks all your boxes before signing up. Always read the terms and conditions so you know what to expect.

You can read Digital Spice’s terms and conditions here.

We hope this information is useful to you and your business.

If you would like to talk through your website requirements, feel free to contact the Digital Spice team.

Gemma Heggie
Gemma has been developing rewarding online presences for over 15 years. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and hopes you enjoy reading her articles.
Gemma Heggie
Digital Spice Website Developer, SEO & Digital Marketing
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